Sunday, October 3, 2010

So far..

Right now, your girl is living in beautiful California! I love it! I feel at home! I have met some amazing people and made some new friends! I have also learned a lot about myself and others in the short month that I have been here! For instance, being thrown out into the world where you really don't have a safety net is not only scary, but the best thing that has happened to me to date!! Is it hard? Absolutely! But, it has been fun to watch myself grow as a person and become stronger for the trials and hard times that I am facing! Don't get me wrong, I am grateful for the things I do have, but for me and where I have come from... I am in uncharted waters for sure ha ha!

I am lucky to have such an an amazing Cali Family out here! These are my friends who have stuck with your girl and helped her out big time and to them I owe a lot!

On top of going through the hard times of moving to a big new place, finding a job, and tryin to remain sane while waiting for that first paycheck when you know you have bills to pay ha ha! I have also learned a lot about the kind of people I want in my life! Friend wise, I am good with what I have! Your girl has definitely been blessed! I am not saying I don't want more, because I am a people person for sure! But if I never made a friend again, your girl would be set for life!! Guys on the other hand! How do I put this.. ok real talk! I am enough! If I am not enough for you, I am enough for a guy who is smart enough to see what he has in front of him! I am also old fashioned and looking for a champ! I do not ask a guy out! That is his job! Fellas let me break it down for ya! I am here to make you look good by being on your arm! I am here to make you laugh and have a good time! I am here to support you, cry with you, help you, and be there for you through thick and thin! I am here to take care of you (and vice versa) and to raise a family with you! Don't you think that if I am here to do all that for you, the least you could do is step up and ask a girl out! Ha ha! I mean you are  called a man right!? Maybe its time for ya'll to start acting that way! Just a thought! Another thought! Your girl is definitely no sleez either! I am never gonna be the "other chick" and if we are together and I find out you have another chick, you best run and hide! Nuff said!

Being out here in Cali has been amazing! I am excited to start training out here at Wild Card Boxing! I am also excited to work with the many musical geniuses out here as well! But, girl has gotta be patient! As I like to say, "You can't wake up a Rookie and go to bed a Champion! You have to put the work into it!" Until then, I am going to be training by running, crunches, etc. Once I get a paycheck your girl can start eating how she is suppose to! I'll tell ya one thing, if it wasn't for the 1 free meal we get at work, your girl would be in trouble lol! But, God works in mysterious ways and when you put your trust in Him, He will constantly amaze you! That is from experience baby! Your girl has definitely been put through the ringer out here, but I am so glad that I have. Because it makes me that much more grateful for the wonderful things I have been blessed with! What I have now may seem like nothing to most and a lot to others, but it is everything to me and I thank God for it everyday! It will also be fun to look back on the humble beginnings that this girl came from when I make it big!

Many people think I am crazy to be doing what I am doing! Leaving my family behind, a comfortable living situation, friends, and an "easier" way of life. But what many people don't understand is that I am one of a kind! Leaving my family was hard, trust me, girl cried like a baby! But, I am out here making my dreams come true so I can give them a better life! I am fighting for milk! I am also the kind of person that shines under pressure! I live for it! I never want to be able to say that my life was easy! A lot of people think I am this white girl from the burbs who hasn't had to have it hard in her life! What they don't get is that there have been several times my family and I have struggled. Example: looking for change anywhere, just to buy a box of mac n chz for dinner! Sure my life has been easier then most from a financial stand, but I was also diagnosed with Crohns Disease in 2003 and almost died from it and still struggle with it to this day! One thing I wish people would learn is to not compare their struggles with others, cause we all have them! But like I said before! I am grateful that I struggle and that things are not just handed to me! I feel sorry for people like that! I get to truly learn what it means to work hard and sacrifice to get what I want out of life and the harder the better! Because the harder things are for me, the stronger I become as a person! That my friends is a beautiful thing!

Thanks for stopping by! Hope you all enjoyed! Keep it real! Hope you all have a wonderful rest of your evening and we will talk soon! XoXo!

Dedicated Diva

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