Monday, October 11, 2010

Here's to craziness, heartbreak and falling in love!

Life is an interesting and unique situation we are all in! One minute you are living your life and things are going well! Then, out of no where something happens or someone comes into your life that changes everything!!! Yeah, it can be bad and terrible things! I am talking about when this amazing experience happens or you meet this amazing person and it flips your whole world upside down! In a completely amazing way mind you! You realize that while you seemed happy before, you were simply living in ignorant bliss! Ha ha! Like, lets go to the classic example! Dating!

You are going about your everyday life! You wake up, go to work, hang with friends and family, work out (or don't lol), etc. You feel content in the way you live your life! You know that love will find you someday, but you are fine just trucking along and then BAMMMM!!! It comes out of no where and hits you like a truck!! All of the sudden you have this amazing person in your life! The first time you look at them, you know something is different! You can't put your finger on it, but you know that you are about to enter uncharted waters. Your eyes meet and you both smile and thats it, its over! You are hooked! You guys are so comfortable around each other and can talk for days! You are passionate about life, and while talking to this person, telling them things about you and them telling you things about them, you realize that while you have just recently met each other... you feel like you have known each other for a long time! You will have your differences, but you will have so many things in common. Be it from your smart ass sarcasm to believing in some of the same things ranging from religion to music! Don't forget the physical attraction! That my friend will be off the chart! Anything from a holding hands to an amazingly seductive kiss, you will leave wanting to come back for more!

Then, when you are not around the other person for long periods of time, you will begin to go crazy! Because how could this happen! This amazing person comes into your life and now you have to try and live life without that amazing connection on a daily basis! Sure you may still talk, text or even email, but it is not the same as spending time with them! Before you go completely crazy, because I have seen it time and again! Just slow down, breath and live your life! That is it! Sure, this may be the best thing that has happened to you! But do you want to screw it all up, because you want things to happen now, you want to be together now! Come hell or high water, you want something to work out right this second! Hit the breaks crazy! Cause that is the fastest way to lose them!

I am a firm believer in there being a time and place and reason for everything that happens to us! I have said it a million times, but if things are meant to be, if it is your destiny to be with this person, it will happen! Nothing will be able to stop it, except you, if you start going psycho! The greatest things in life take time! Nothing amazing and worth having in life ever comes easy! Take the time you have with that person, be it in person, over the phone, text, email! Take that time and just enjoy it! Enjoy having someone to just talk to or laugh with on a daily basis! Someone who knows how to cheer you up when you are down! Just enjoy them! Don't try to put a label on what the two of you have, don't force things, and don't become a major drama queen just because things aren't going according to your plan! Ha ha seriously!

Not even two years ago, I would have called you crazy if you told me I would be where I am at today, going through the things I am going through, and having the incredible people I have in my life! I was on a different route, but life had different plans for me. Sometimes we don't always get what we want or get to go where we want! But, that is because down the road, there is something or someone better for us!! As hard as that is to accept that, its the truth!

Live life to the fullest and embrace the topsy turvy way of life! When it comes to relationships or "friendships" embrace it! Enjoy it and take it all in! I am now so grateful for all the mess a certain someone or two put me through over the past few years! As much as it hurt then, I am a better person for it and I know that I will find someone who is so much better for me! Life has a sense of humor, but life is also about learning to laugh at ourselves, learn from it and then overcome it! Its that simple!

Believe it or not lol, but I use to be quite the hard ass when it came to men and dating! I am Tiffany Larson, I don't need a man! I am fine on my own, in fact I may just be a single mom and adopt or something! Yes! That sad lil girl was me! Lots of attitude and I was def lil miss had something to prove! Luckily I have grown out of that and I have had one amazing roller coaster ride! Definitely some low points for sure, but becoming softer towards men and more open, I have met some of the coolest people I have ever met in my life and I look forward to seeing where life takes us!

Just remember this, Life is not about the destination, it is about the journey! So again, sit down, shut up, and listen! Don't be a control freak no matter how hard it is to wait! It will all come together on its own time. Besides if things really came easy, we wouldn't appreciate them as much! Here's to the future! The the craziness and heartbreak and to falling in love! May we all do it how its suppose to be and may none of try and force it! Lots of love!

Dedicated Diva

P.S. I wrote this when I was tired, so if some of it is "slurreds" or outta place, that is why! XoXo

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